Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Last race of 2011

Montpelier VT, New Years Eve Day Race 2011

I decided to run a 5k race to end the year on Saturday December 31, 2011. My goal for the race was to run 18 minutes. I have taken some time off because of a pulled muscle in my back 6 weeks ago. I also wanted to run up front and maybe sneak in another win for the year.

I started the race up front with the leaders. Just about a half mile into the race I felt a pull in my back and it got worse. My stride got shorter and I was in pain. I pushed through this hoping that the pain would go away. Mile one I went through in 6:44, about a minute slower then the top group that I was with half mile ago. We then hit a long hill which took us to mile 2. My pace dropped off even more and I went through mile 2 in 7:09. I then fell back to 20th place, the last mile was down hill and flat. With my back hurting I was not able to push as hard as I wanted to, but I was able to run a 6 minute pace into the finish line finishing 15 out of 136 runners. I am realizing that I need to get a solid base in and work on getting back into shape. My official time was 20:44.

1 comment:

  1. Top picture I am the one with the bright yellow gear on. Bottom pic I am next to the leader in white to his right wearing a black/red Brooks hat. The guy in the lead won the race and runner-up was the guy in dark blue.
